The road embankment helps keep the floodwaters in check. The mountains end just beyond Dhank opening out to an expansive plain. The area is dotted by smart neighbourhoods, which have sprung up in recent years as people began abandoning their old mud dwellings for the modern homes of today. Another wadi that invites discovery is Wadi Fath located in the north of the wilayat. It begins its sinuous course somewhere in the Western Hajar mountains, cutting a swathe through mountains and gravel plains via Yanqul and Dhank before eventually emptying its bounty in the desert sands of western Oman.There are surface flows only in the Fath area of Dhank wilayat, with giant rocks and boulders strewn along the wadi's course. Large trees featuring delightful yellow flowers add to the atmosphere in the wadi. To reach Wadi Fath, take the main road from Ibri to Dhank, and drive for another 36km in the same direction. Just before Al Sinainah, an intersection on your right takes you to Wadi Fath, 29km down this route. If you have time on your hands, you can drive onward to Al Sinainah and proceed west for another 41km to reach Al Safah, which is quite close to the border with the United Arab Emirates. You can explore the scenic sand-dune environment of this area, dotted by a few Bedu communities.
it's very intersting topic